Mirador Viewer issue

Hi all,

Mirador Viewer was working fine for me until recently (the Omeka S upgrade). I used to have thumbnails on my page that would link to an object page with the Mirador Viewer, but for some reason, the thumbnails are now gone and scaled-down instances of the viewer appear instead (link to the page is here). Any idea why this could be happening? All of my modules have been updated following the Omeka S update.

This looks like a problem with the Freedom theme: it’s not properly respecting a setting that tells the blocks on that page to render thumbnails instead of embeds.

I’ve filed an issue for the problem on the Freedom theme code repository.

Thank you - I appreciate it!

Hi @tmacmath. Thanks for reporting this issue. It’s fixed now in the Freedom S master branch and will be included in the next theme release this week.

I’m able to see thumbnails now rather than the multiple Mirador viewer instances, but it’s still not respecting the other settings (large, medium, square) - I previously had it set to “square”.

Additionally, when I click through to the item view page, I see this:

I had the Mirador Viewer theme set to “dark” in my manifest, and that setting is not being respected, either.

It looks like you’re using custom thumbnails there. A custom thumbnail is always used exactly as-is when its set, regardless of what size of thumbnail the theme asks for.

They were square before the upgrade - the whole cover wasn’t showing like it is now. All thumbnails were the same size.

Hi @tmacmath yes the previous Item Showcase block had some custom styles in the Freedom theme to render square thumbnails. I’ve just updated the new Media Embed block with these styles and it’s already merged into the master branch of the Freedom theme and will be included in the next release this week.

Hi @tmacmath, the fix is now part of the latest Freedom release, v1.0.6: Omeka S - Freedom

Thanks! I updated about half an hour ago. Looks good. However, I’m still getting this error when I click through to the single item view:

It’s pulling in my objects but I had set the Mirador Viewer theme to dark, and it’s back to the default setting now.

On the Mirador dark theme:

You’d set the dark theme originally by editing some files. I suspect that you’ve now overwritten them with the originals as part of the upgrade process, so you’d just need to go make the same changes again.

On the error message:

I don’t think that’s either Freedom or the Mirador viewer. If you notice when scrolling down the page, underneath the working Mirador, you have the Universal Viewer also on the page, and it seems that’s what’s throwing the error.

Oh, right - thanks! It’s in settings.js and mirador.min.js.

That’s very strange because I didn’t add anything to the page. I didn’t even have the Universal Viewer installed.

The only file available is the mirador.min.js file. Doesn’t appear to be a setting.js file, and the new Mirador theme now contains a vendor directory, like other updated modules. File structure is a bit different now, so I expect that’s part of what broke it. It shouldn’t be complicated to change the theme from light to dark or vice versa - I mean, it should be easier to do than it is now. It should just be an option in Configuration in the Omeka admin area.