Zip file permissions issue on Reclaim Hosting

I can’t comment on if this happens on other web hosts.

If you download the latest zip and extract it on Reclaim Hosting, you will get a 500 error (whether it’s a brand new install or upgrade). The issue is that the files in the root directory are set to 644 permissions. The fix is that they need to be modified to 755 - just the root files, not the sub-directories or any files within them. This appears to be the only issue, and it’s quite confusing since it’s hard to locate the error logs on RH. Any thoughts on why this happens or how it could be fixed?

That’s odd: the files are generally always 644: they don’t need to be marked executable.

I don’t think there’s been any change with this from our end.

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I have also had this issue with Reclaim when installing from git. The issue is generally that the files need to be 644 and the directories need to be 755, and for some reason those permissions don’t get stay stable on the way in. Easily fixed via command line:

find ~/public_html -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \; && find ~/public_html -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;

Thanks for the feedback. When I extracted the ZIP, the File Manager showed me that the current permissions were 644 (and the site would not load). Perhaps re-applying 644 to the files will work also. I just modified them to 755 and it started working.

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