We are currently mitigating security issues and our scan hits the server with jquery but no other information about what in particular on the server is using it. This is an Omeka server with 16 collections running various versions of Omeka. Does anyone know if Omeka classic uses jquery and maybe have a suggestion as to how to mitigate the jquery issue? An upgrade maybe? Or perhaps some advice on how to determine which collection(s) is the culprit?
Hello, are you talking about XQuery or JQuery? They’re two different things. I think you mean JQuery. A search on the repository reveals that indeed there is some JQuery code here and there.
Depending on which template you’re using, just go to the template file and replace the jQuery version to the one you want to use, either putting it in the assets folder or using a CDN. Ditto for the admin side.
Also, you can just use the ‘Network’ tab in your browser’s developer tools to see which JQuery version/files get downloaded.
luca.g I am using jQuery (at least on this server,) trying to mitigate some security issues. Since posting I found out something interesting. I have like 15 Omeka collections only one is affected by jQuery. It is version 2.51