Where is the item-set SHOW template?

I guess I’ve never come across the need to customize this yet, surprisingly!

I’m looking in both /application/view/omeka/site and the existing theme. Unlike /items, there is no show.phtml, even in the application views.

It almost appears as though when you select a particular item set, it is using /item/show.phtml. Is there code inside that theme file that differentiates between whether it is viewing an item or item set? And that’s where I would customize the item set view, while leaving the item view alone?

Or, is it possible to simply copy the item/show.phtml into item-set/ directory and then Omeka-S will start using that file instead of /item/show?

Because item sets are, well, sets of items, they actually use the item browse template for their show pages.

If you look in the item browse template you’ll see there’s logic in there for displaying the item set metadata only when it’s being used to display a set. If you want a totally different view for that case, you could implement that in your theme’s item browse template.

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This might be a related question, so I’m replying instead of creating a new thread.

I know I’m probably asking this the wrong way, but I can’t think of how to word it.
In Omeka if you create a theme and you don’t put in items/show.php, it uses the one from /application/views/scripts. I have been poking around and I can’t seem to find the same thing for Omeka-S.

The default views in Omeka-S are located in /application/view/omeka/site - and then, for instance, the item views are in /item and inside there is browse.phtml.

The theme files that replace or override the default views are located inside the theme directory, within /view/omeka/site. One of my standard themes has the following sub-dirs inside /site: /index, /item-set, /item, and /page.

Meanwhile, the header/footer of the theme is actually controlled in /view/layout/layout.phtml.

Yes, Ben has it pretty much.

In Omeka S, the structure of the files and folders under “view” is the same in the core, in a module, and in a theme. So the “default” versions of theme view files are in application/view: a theme file at the same path under its own “view” folder takes precedence and overrides the default. For themes it’s mostly things under view/omeka/site that are relevant: these are the views for the publicly-visible pages within a site.

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