Want to reflect number of items added in each page of the exhibit

Hi there!
I’m using the latest version of Omeka Classic for building up a small archive. I’m using the Exhibit Builder plugin for making some exhibits. But it doesn’t reflect the total number of items in each of the pages added to a particular exhibit.

So, if there’s any chance to make it reflected by making any customization that would be of great help.

Thanks in advanced.

I’m not totally sure what you’re looking to do here. Could you give a more detailed explanation or example?

So what I wish to do is to reflect the total number of items added under each of the pages on the left.
For example I’ve 5 documents exhibited under ‘Documents’. So I want to make it visible like “Documents (5) OR Documents (5 items)”. Something similar to this would be helpful.

I think this would be difficult to do automatically. Exhibit pages don’t “count” items they contain in the same way that collections do, as far as I know, because items in exhibits aren’t really assigned to those exhibits–the exhibit pages just point to the items where they live in the collections.

The easiest thing to do would probably be to update the exhibit page name manually to reflect the correct number of items each time you add a new one.

Another thing you could do is move away from Exhibit Builder and try Simple Pages instead, creating a new collection for each type of document and adding it to the simple page with shortcodes.

You would lose some of the exhibit functionality but it would probably allow you to count and display the number of items in each collection with relative ease.

Yeah, adding manually I’ve tried. But I think the idea of using Simple Pages would be better. Thank you so much your help.

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