Visited Links on the Daily Theme

Hello, the default theme shows which links have been visited by applying a different color to the link text. It does not use it the to best effect because both are set to the black.

Can I accomplish the same result with the Daily theme?


If you want to change the css for a theme, the file is located at:
where Omeka is the Omeka folder and theme_name is the name of your theme (Daily)

If you want to change the sass for a theme, the file is located at:
where is the Omeka folder and theme_name is the name of your theme (Daily)

You can edit the css (or sass) of the theme on your Omeka installation. However, you may want to create your own theme with your customization. To do so:

  1. Copy the folder of an existing theme
  2. Edit {Omeka}/themes/{theme_name}/config/theme.ini by changing name="" to your new theme name (and other settings).
  3. Make any changes to the theme you like (i.e. css, sass, js, php files)
  4. Rename the file and place it in {Omeka}/themes/
  5. If the theme is correctly configured, it should show up in the Omeka admin site. You can create a test site and apply the new theme to test it out. When you like the new styling, you can change your live sites to use the new theme.

I hope this answers your question.