UniversalViewer "Unable to load manifest" in iframe

Hello there,

I got a question on UniversalViewer.

Our lab use omeka-s as a digital archive platform,
so we upload image for item, and use UniversalViewer to show it on other website.

That url like this:
It work as well.

But when we put that url in an iframe (other site),
that alert “Unable to load manifest”.

That iframe like this:

<iframe src="https://test-omekas-ssl.ccstw.nccu.edu.tw/item/1/uv" width="700px" height="500px" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"> </iframe>

Because that iframe work on page of self omeka-s,
I think that maybe cause by some cors problems.

But I have already:

  • checked ‘Append CORS headers to web server response’ in IIIF Server Configure
  • added ‘Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin “*”’ in apache2 config
    (so it work if just put that image url in other site iframe)

I also set ‘Force base of url’ in IIIF Server Configure as site url.
But still, it wasn’t working whether I set this configure or not.

Here is my verson of three modules:

  • IIIF Server 3.6.17
  • Image Server 3.6.15
  • Universal Viewer 3.6.7

And the older version do NOT get this error:

  • IIIF Server
  • Image Server
  • Universal Viewer

(But it got some zoom rate problem, that why I upgrade UV to 3.6.7.)
(We use Omeka-s 3.2.3 on many site, so I cant upgrade UV to later version.)

Is any other thing I should do?


Additional image for “iframe work on page of self omeka-s”.