We started using Universal viewer and the module appears randomly on the result page. I was wondering if anyone has ran into this issue before? Is this a configuration error on my part or should I write a JS code to hide it?
Hi @luvu ,
The Universal Viewer Readme actually recommends using the Daniel-KM / Omeka-S-module-BlocksDisposition · GitLab module to remove it from the Browse page.
i noticed that this issue only happens in certain theme (bookshelf, cozy…). Do you know why?
The module hooks into several view events to know when it should be displayed:
/* Module.php */
[$this, 'handleViewBrowseAfterItem']
[$this, 'handleViewBrowseAfterItemSet']
My guess is that the themes that don’t show it don’t actually look for that hook. The code below is from the bookshelf theme:
/* view/omeka/site/item/browse.phtml*/
<?php echo ($itemSetShow) ? '</div>' : ''; ?>
<?php $this->trigger('view.browse.after'); ?>
<?php echo $this->pagination(); ?>
Thank you so much Jon