Universal Viewer Omeka-S

I have run into a problem using the latest version of ‘Universal Viewer’…
my setup:

Xampp on Windows 10 with Omeka 3.01, change to local.config.php, setting
‘Omeka\File\Thumbnailer’ => ‘Omeka\File\Thumbnailer\Imagick’
Everything I have played with here seems to work just fine. Error logging was enabled by
SetEnv APPLICATION_ENV “development” in .htacces, but there are no errors in the logs.

Just 2 modules were installed:
IIIF Server version
Universal Viewer version

One item was created (item ID: 1), class Image, Visibility public, …via upload (a jpg file). The image is showing up, thumbnails were created … no problem here either.

going to http://localhost/my_omeka/item/1/universal-viewer returns an empty page (no errors)…
html and head tags appear to be well formed/complete, the body however is lacking some flesh…

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
thanks, Fred

There has been progress… we did not realize that for the Universal-Viewer to display, the ImageServer module is required, as well as the IIIF Server. Things are working now…

One weird thing,
In a png file, transparent areas first show up white and than, bit by bit turn to black, like so


The url /item/x/universal-viewer is currently fixing for the v3, because it may work or not.

Yes, Image server is needed because Universal Server is based on the protocol IIIF ; but with this protocol, the images can be anywhere , so on another image server (Cantaloupe is the most trendy currently). The module Image Server does the same internally.

An image server prepares tiles or special formats of images in order to serve images instantly, so the original png is converted. The module Image Server converts them into jpeg so transparency is lost, but a specialized image server may be more customizable. So if you really need transparency, it’s recommended to improve the module or to use a specialized image server.

Hello Daniel, thanks for your reply, …and for ‘weaponising’ Omeka with the Universal-Viewer. Transparency can become important at some stage, for now it is not esential. Presently things run pretty well (after rough start due to our inexperience), some happy people around me. Regarding the fixes, …we will be following the dev. intently. All the best, Fred

I would like to hook in here, because I also have a problem with the mentioned version of the module ( Namely I can’t pass an array $option when calling the helper or it is ignored. I have opened an issue on Github about this, too Maybe someone from the Omeka community can help me? Thanks a lot

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