Thumbnails not working - error/constitute.c/ReadImage/554.


I’m using the default strategy for generating the Omeka thumbnails. However, the thumbnail generation seems not working, and the following 554 error code appears (example for a simple JPEG file):

2018-08-27T14:57:09+00:00 ERR (3): ImageMagick failed with status code 1.
2018-08-27T14:57:09+00:00 WARN (4): Error output from ImageMagick:
convert: no decode delegate for this image format JPEG' @ error/constitute.c/ReadImage/554. convert: no images defined/var/www/html/omeka-2.6.1/files/original/fullsize_9e1884147879115a61ae76f4b7b42270.jpg’ @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/3288.

Please consider the following information:

  • omeka version: omeka-2.6.1
  • imagemagick version: ImageMagick 7.0.8-9 Q16 x86_64 2018-08-09
  • os version: CentOS Linux 7 (Core)
  • permissions ok for the thumbnails path;
  • imagemagick test is working fine from admin console;

Any help?

Thanks in advance

The error from ImageMagick means that it can’t read JPEG files. This is an issue with your ImageMagick installation. I’m pretty sure the standard install from the Centos package manager should set things up properly so you can read JPEGs.


do you suggest to install it from scratch through package manager? I’ve installed it from downloaded tar. Please also consider the Imagemagick interla tests are fine, I can run the test and manage to convert some images through commands.


If you have access to do so, it should be as simple as yum install ImageMagick


I’ve reinstalled the ImageMagick and now it’s working for jpeg.
