Stacked items on Mapping module timeline at max zoom level

Hi, I’m wondering if anyone has a workaround or way to zoom in even more on the Mapping module’s timeline when you have multiple items stacked one on top of another because they all share the same or similar dates. This is what my timeline currently looks like at the max zoom level on the timeline. I saw the option for “contemporaneous events” for default view, but I tried that and it didn’t make any difference at all.


Yes, I see the problem. I’ve added an issue and will explore this further. In the meantime, you could make the change to the code yourself and see if that works.

Open this file:


And in this method:


Change this:

        return [
            'debug' => false,
            'timenav_position' => 'bottom',

To this:

        return [
            'debug' => false,
            'timenav_position' => 'bottom',
            'zoom_sequence' => [0.5, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 200, 500, 1000],
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Thanks! That does help to zoom in a lot more and see the individual timeline items better.

Although just to note; I noticed that once I zoom in to the max view, the interacting components of the timeline become noticeably slow in response. For instance, when I click on the arrows to slide to the next timeline item, there’s a delay compared to being zoomed out and fails to animate smoothly.

I’m glad it works. It’s unfortunate that high zoom levels slow down the interface. (I made a note of that in the issue.) This is beyond our control since it taxes the processes necessary for TimelineJS to render the timeline. One suggestion is to separate your timeline into two or more timelines to reduce the amount of events the interface must render at once.

Yeah, that makes sense. Thanks so much for the explanation and workaround.

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