Split multi-pages PDF into several JPG files

I am currently setting up Scripto for the collaborative transcription of multi-pages PDF file. For this project we would need to preserve the association of one file per page (a bit like Wikisource).

I have looked for a preexisting plugin or a even previous discussion related to the automatic splitting/conversion of PDF files into several numbered JPG files and I haven’t found anything. Is there any alternative to code a new plugin using ImageMagick?

As far as I know there’s no plugin for Omeka Classic that splits PDFs. I did create a module for Omeka S that splits files, but have no plans for creating something like it for Classic.

Thanks a lot for the suggestion: I didn’t find this module, possibly because I was restricting my search to Omeka Classic. I’ll try to set up a new plugin for classic using the code as an example.

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