Split Database from Web Interface?


I’m about to migrate my Omeka S instance from a commercial server to an institutional in-house dedicated server at a University. The IT Research developers who are building a dedicated server for me and for my developer want to split the database from the Web Interface.

We will be using Advanced Search / SOLR as a module. To build this we will be knitting together (1) database; (2) Web Interface; (3) Advanced Search SOLR using SUDO and APT commands, and it doesn’t seem possible to then split the DB from the UX afterwards. I am not sure therefore that it is advisable to split the database from the Web Interface as requested by the Institutions IT peeps.

Can anyone advise me?

Thanks in advance!


I am not sure your question as posed has details enough to answer as “splitting the database from the web interface” is ambiguous. I’d recommend having your IT peeps post to forum.

Good luck with the move!

Hi @CBRfan ,

It sounds like they might want to have the Omeka application and the database run on different servers. That is definitely possible and very common. You’ll just have to edit the database configuration file to point to the database server.

You should also be able to set up SOLR on a 3rd server if that’s what they want.

Thanks, NXM! I did ask the Institution’s IT consultant to post to forum but they are so certain that it is possible that they did not even respond to my proposal. I will try and ask them again. They may say that this is a developer issue (ie my colleague who is building this with me). More soon, in any case! CBRfan

I’ll let the IT peeps know – I am pretty sure that they are assuming that it will be possible to do as you say and edit the database configuration file to point to the database server. Where it gets trickier is (as I suggest in my post) more complex search functions are involved. Not sure that a third server will please either the IT peeps or my developer colleague! I’ll try to keep the Forum updated in case it helps anyone else as well. :innocent: