SMTP auth client submissions

I’m attempting to use SMTP auth with one of our MS Exchange mailboxes. So I’ve configured my local.config like:

     'mail' => [
          'transport' => [
              'type' => 'smtp',
              'options' => [
                  'name' => '',
                  'host' => '',
                  'port' => 587, 
                  'connection_class' => 'login', 
                  'connection_config' => [
                      'username' => '',
                      'password' => 'examplePassword',
                      'ssl' => 'tls',
                      'use_complete_quit' => true,

Omeka can successfully connect with the SMTP server, except the sender address needs to match the SMTP mailbox. Response from the SMTP server is SendAs Denied.

For example the sender for the password recovery emails is the same address as the recipient. So, for this configuration to work I would need to alter the sender of all Omeka messages to

Based on Laminas documentation, I’ve tried inserting this into the mail array:

    'mail' => [ 
         'message' => [
              'setFrom' => '',
          'transport' => [ ...etc.

Is it possible to force the email sender address from the config file? Or another method?

the sender for the password recovery emails is the same address as the recipient

I don’t believe this is the case? The sender for pretty much everything should be the configured “administrator email” from the Settings page. So you may be able to just change that to match the address you’re using to log in here.

Thank you! Changing the administrator email setting fixed it.

Feeling really foolish for thinking it was a complicated issue.

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