Show all collections except two with certain ids

Hello, maybe there is a way in omeka to show all collections except two with certain ids? Maybe something like URL way (eg. /collections/browse?!id=10,11) or maybe there is a php way to do it? Or maybe with a Collection Tree plugin to do it with parent/child option (I found method $parent_collection_id)? Or something?
When there is a way, could you show an example?

Where on the Omeka site do you want to limit display? Everywhere? Just on the Collections Browse page?

I have this structure of collections:
Collection 1 (in this view display items(it will be probably collection/browse.php view) from collections which parent id = 1)
Collection 2 (in this view display items from collections which parent id = 2)
Collection 3 (in this view display items from collections which parent id = 3)

Or maybe something like this:
if collection have children collection then display all items from this child collection
Now when I link to the items from parent collection it have nothing to show me even if children collection have the items

But I think the URL way could be the best - collections/browse but with some kind of ids, but it is possible?