Setting thumbnail_display_urls when creating items through API

I’m able to upload an appropriate image via the URL ingester:

$resource[‘o:media’ ]=[
‘o:ingester’ => ‘url’,
‘ingest_url’ => str_replace(‘%WIDTH%,%HEIGHT%’, ‘1500,1500’, $url),

And that creates appropriate media entries with original, large, medium and square associated with that item, but still uses the default images in the thumbnail_display_urls.

How do I get it to use those generated images as the thumbnail display urls?

You’re saying you get thumbnails generated for a media, but the thumbnail_display_urls point to the fallback images? That’s not typical behavior.

Does the item display a thumbnail in the admin interface? Can you show the output of the API GET call for this item, and for the media?

Apologies for letting this hang so long, I appreciate the response. Was putting out fires.

I ended up solving it. Turns out I had added a media item for the IIIF Presentation based off manifest and THEN ingested the url media. All I needed to do was reorder them so that the url media was first and that fixed the thumbnail links.