Selecting resource template on new items possible bug

Hi everyone. The following occurs both on sandbox demo and on local instance of the latest version Omeka S 4.0.4

On new item (or new item-set) when you initially select a resource template, correctly, the “fields” of the resource template are displayed. BUT, when you switch to a different one, the fields are somehow “merged”. The expected behaviour in my opinion should be to “reset” the displayed fields according to the selected resource template.
Any ideas or opinions on this?

(I saw similar questions in the forum since 2018 which not answered so maybe this is on purpose but I truly believe is very confusing)

Thank you in advance

A possible solution is to install the AdvancedResourceTemplate module

The module probably works the same than the default. If there are data, they are kept and moved at the right place, else empty properties are removed.

Installing and using the module somehow fixes the problem. If you try on clean setup, Resource Templates do not behave correctly… Well in any case the module is very helpful so I am not going back but still would be nice to have the “core” resource template behaves similarly.
Best regards and thank you for all your effort in the community