Seeking Omeka / Neatline Developer

I am seeking an Omeka/Neatline Developer to bring a Reclaim Hosting hosted digital humanities project into current software release. Currently using Omeka v. 2.4.1, Neatline v. 2.5.1 with the following Neatline plugins: Simile (2.0.4), Text (1.1.0), and Waypoints (2.0.2).

Additionally, I’m hopeful that someone can help me optimize the maps used on the site to improve site load times. Currently it’s sluggish.

I’m hopeful the work could conclude by May 17, but I’m flexible. There is no need to be on site.

If you’d like to see the site in advance, here it is:

Please contact me if interested and to negotiate pay:

Thank you,
Dan Leisawitz

Can you say clearer?

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