Seeking help with network visualization from Omeka S

I have a project using Omeka S: DIGITAL BIRGITTA · Home · Birgitta in England
I now need help developing a new network feature that is better than the two currently on the site. Can someone help create this for me? While the project is based in Bergen, Norway, you do not have to work on location. There is some (limited) project funding.
Thank you!
Prof. Laura Saetveit Miles, University of Bergen, Norway

Hi, This sounds like something we could help with at Artefacto. Please get in touch at if you’d like to have a chat about the project and what you’re looking for. Thanks!

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Hi Laura,
If you are still on the lookout to hire someone, I would be glad to help you out as what you are wanting done is within my skillset
You can reach out to me on my email here

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I’m zahra Batool, avaliable for work!

Hi Laura :wave:

I’m a web developer with 2 years of experience, skilled in PHP, JavaScript, and enhancing digital platforms like Omeka S. I specialize in developing network features and am well-equipped to work remotely. Let’s discuss how we can leverage the available resources for your project in Bergen.

Thanx :blush:

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hi Zahra - thanks for your response! I would certainly be interested in talking further - I can be reached at Laura.miles at Looking forward to hearing from you :slight_smile:

@Zahra did you receive my email? Let me know if not and I can send again. It would be great to be in touch. Thanks!