Seadragon redeclaration error

After upgrading to 4.0 one of my sites is only loading one IIIF image (ie, link to IIIF json) per page. I am getting this error: “Uncaught SyntaxError: redeclaration of const openSeadragonDiv”
It sounds like too many declarations are being generated because I have multiple images . The items are displaying as expected everywhere else that there is only one IIIF image per page. Any ideas on how to fix this (and keep the IIIF images)?

It’s likely this is a bug in 4.0. We’ll look into it and get back to you.

Any update on this? thank you

Yes: we’ve confirmed it as a bug and written a fix: we just need to get all our ducks in a row for a 4.0.1 release that will contain the fix.

that’s good news. thanks for the update!

Omeka 4.0.1 is out and contains this fix. It’s available in the usual place.

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