hi omeka community!
on may day, i started a project to archive “disorientation” publications by student activists, all together on one website. so far there are about 100+ publications:
i’m actively seeking conversation and collaboration on this.
some questions: is this duplicative? is there prior art?
do you know of people i should talk to/show this to, who would have ideas or make generative connections?
and of course, there is a huge amount to do if anybody is up for working on things together, including: data entry, transcription, research, outreach, indexing, tagging, curation, writing, website design and development. in time i’m interested in developing this as a cooperative platform/archive for student activist publications.
i set up a chatroom here if anybody wants to join in — all are welcome! http://disorientations.zulipchat.com
and there’s a twitter if you just wanna lurk on progress @diso_archive
looking forward to talking more soon,