Omeka solr omeka categories

At field configuration, at omeka categories… if we click on load ‘Load new elements button’ , then it dissapear one the existing fields to select index and facet.

how can me restore the 'hidden or deleted ones?

kindest Regards

That is a bug with the SolrSearch plugin:

Unfortunately, the plugin owners haven’t responded to issues in nearly two years, and nobody else has yet worked on fixing this issue.

If you can run SQL within your Omeka database, this could be the statements to run to insert the missing fields:

INSERT INTO `omeka_solr_search_fields` (`id`, `element_id`, `slug`, `label`, `is_indexed`, `is_facet`) VALUES (1,NULL,'tag','Tag',1,1);
INSERT INTO `omeka_solr_search_fields` (`id`, `element_id`, `slug`, `label`, `is_indexed`, `is_facet`) VALUES (2,NULL,'collection','Collection',1,1);
INSERT INTO `omeka_solr_search_fields` (`id`, `element_id`, `slug`, `label`, `is_indexed`, `is_facet`) VALUES (3,NULL,'itemtype','Item Type',1,1);
INSERT INTO `omeka_solr_search_fields` (`id`, `element_id`, `slug`, `label`, `is_indexed`, `is_facet`) VALUES (4,NULL,'resulttype','Result Type',1,1);
INSERT INTO `omeka_solr_search_fields` (`id`, `element_id`, `slug`, `label`, `is_indexed`, `is_facet`) VALUES (5,NULL,'featured','Featured',1,1);

Otherwise, the only way to get those fields back for now would be to uninstall and reinstall the plugin, but you’ll lose your current settings in the process.


Yes I have access to mysql, thanks a lot!

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