Omeka S Universal Viewer not showing images?

I installed Universal viewer module to show case images. Unfortunately, some images doesn’t show up on Universal viewer box. It was either all black or having the little box buffering in the middle without showing any images. Has anyone ran into this issue before?

Hi @luvu ,

Can you share a link to your Omeka site?


What about your module version?
There are other two modules are required by UV.
IIIF Server & Image Server.

I think the following version group work on Omeka-s 3.1(my version is 3.2.3),
but may have some problem:

  • Work on normal view, but can’t work on embedded iframes(Unable to load manifest)

IIIF Server 3.6.17
Image Server 3.6.15
Universal Viewer 3.6.7

  • Work on normal view & embedded iframes. But got some zoom(significantly?) ratio problem(can’t be enlarged significantly)

IIIF Server
Image Server
Universal Viewer

  • Work on normal view & embedded iframes. But that’s old version, viewer available at{item id}/universal-viewer#

IIIF Server
Image Server
Universal Viewer

Hello Jon,
Unfortunately, the site is not public due to privacy.
I uploaded the screenshot of what we have for now. I’ll talk to my curator if we can open it to public so you can have better look.
As you can see below, the Universal viewer is half loading and it’s stuck like this on item page.

Hmm both Image server and IIIF Server are at 3.6.14 version. And Universal Viewer is at 3.6.7. That could be the issue. I’ll get them upgrade soon. Thank you for the suggestion