Omeka-S ontologies - TEI?

Not sure if this is the right category but seemed more appropriate than Installing or Modules.

Given Omeka-S comes with DCMI, BIBO, and FOAF ontologies (what I call XML metadata standards) - could TEI in theory be integrated also? Could a single record in Omeka-S contain elements of DCMI + TEI?

Not sure this is logical given my lack of familiarity with TEI, I know just enough to ask the question :slight_smile:

I’ll probably be posting a bunch of questions in the coming days/weeks. I do realize Omeka-S is still in beta (I think?), so just stating I’m aware.

Yep, still in beta. We’ve had two beta releases so far, and there will likely be at least another beta.

To your question about TEI and ontologies.Despite being represented as XML, DCMI, BIBO, and FOAF are not necessarily XML – the linked data model isn’t necessarily tied to XML, and these days they’re often represented in other formats.

So, TEI metadata doesn’t necessarily follow from having those ontologies present. Assuming that you’re thinking of the metadata elements of TEI (as opposed to the markup of the text itself), those could in theory be made into an RDF vocabulary that could be imported. But that’d be outside of the scope of what we’re planning to do, since the range of elements and how they’re implemented varies so greatly across TEI projects.

Hi Patrick, thanks a lot for the response! What other formats are being used to represent these metadata standards? I recognize XML is showing its age. Do you mean JSON? That would make sense for API and system-to-system communication.

Yes we were thinking about the TEI metadata elements. Still trying to wrap our heads around the TEI standard, and of course we are aware it is mainly used to mark up the text itself.

Can Omeka-S support user-defined RDF vocabularies (equivalent of ontologies?)?

There’s a variety of other serializations for RDF. The most popular seems to be Turtle and RDF/JSON (from what I can see, there’s lots of regret about the XML serialization, though Omeka S ships with the XML versions). JSON-LD is also used for expressing RDF data, but I’m not sure how much it is used for defining vocabularies/ontologies (in theory it’s possible, just not sure if it’s done in practice.

Omeka S uses the EasyRDF library to do our parsing and importing, so anything it can read, we should be able to import. Thus, for a user-defined vocabulary (or ontology, most of the time the technical distinctions don’t matter), you just need to get it serialized in something EasyRDF can read. One popular tool for writing vocabularies is Protege. It can be a bit daunting at first, but once you ignore the features you don’t need it’s a good tool for building and exporting vocabularies.

You would just build the user-defined vocab however you want, then Omeka S can import it.

Thank you so much Patrick! This is super helpful information.

Sorry to hijack this thread.

If I understand you correctly patrickmj, Omeka S should be able to import Turtle files (with the help of EasyRDF).

I was never able to import turtle files to Omeka S. Could you confirm me that it should work ? If yes, I will open a new thread with an example of a turtle file and the problem.

Yes. Under Vocabularies clicking the Import Vocabularies button you should be able to import Turtle files. If not, it is either a bug or a problem with the ttl, so a new thread – or maybe better, an issue on GitHub – is in order.

FYI for anyone finding this in Google Search… I stumbled upon this RDF vocabulary which seems to have replicated at least some of the basic semantic structural elements that TEI provides for documents.

It appears to be a standard related to digital books for disabled users.

If you are simply looking for some standard-defined metadata elements to mix in to an Omeka-S resource template, this might do the trick for you rather than creating a custom vocabulary/field/element.