Omeka S API documentation

The Omeka S API documentation has disappeared from GitHub since Nov. 2 (although still available in Google’s cache).

What does it mean?

I asked RRCHNM but did not get an answer.


The “wiki” docs from the S repository have been moved to their own repository in preparation for them being rendered into actual pages available outside of Github.

For the time being, I believe the page you’re looking for has moved to

Thank you. I was wondering if item-set API (formerly collection) is still available. I tried on my own server but it does not work while item API is responding.

There is still an item set API endpoint. Though this hasn’t changed, one easy mistake to make is that the resource name in the api is item_sets with an underscore, not item-sets.

That was the mistake (item-sets instead of item_sets). Thanks again.