Omeka S 4.0.4 Docker for Github Codespaces and more

Dear all,

I have just created the following Omeka S 4.0.4 instance for someone who is now learning Omeka S and thought that it may be useful to some of you here.

I am sharing a Docker-based instance of the latest version of Omeka S (version 4.0.4) as follows:

Docker-based Omeka S 4.0.4 instance

This resource will deploy three Docker containers:

Container 1 as mariadb (mysql);

Container 2 as phpmyadmin (connected to container 1); and,

Container 3: omeka-s404 (connected to container 1)

Steps on how to launch Omeka S 4.0.4 using Github Codespaces (the simplest) or via local VSCode or command line are provided.

Best wishes,
Warwick Research Computing RSEs Team