Omeka API Import issues

Hi there,

We are migrating from to a hosted version of Omeka Classic. As we are importing it, we notice that the import will stop at 1600 to 1800 of the records. When this happens, all HTML code is appropriately transferred over and there are no issues with the LC suggest options. When we are able to successfully get all 3004 items to transfer, we encounter an issue with HTML code not transferring over correctly. All LC suggest come up as a URL and HTML code to bold or add paragraph breaks do not work.

Any suggestions on how to fix this or go around it? Happy to provide more information if needed!

When the import stops, do you have an error reported? Does the status change to “error” or something else?

The import status briefly changes to “error” and then to completed upon refresh.
It does not show any details of the error.

Additionally, no errors are observed in the error logs even after Omeka debugging is enabled.

And that’s true for both the ~1800-record imports as well as the 3000 ones?

Oh and, on the logs: did you enable logging specifically when you enabled debugging? There are separate settings for enabling logging and enabling errors to show on pages, and you might have done one and not the other.

I believe it’s just for the ~1,800 one and no error showing up for the 3,000. Let me confirm with the hosting company.

I’ll also confirm they have the debugging on.

More soon!

This is what the hosting company said:

Yes, the import status was the same during both the ~1800-record imports as well as the 3000 ones.
I had enabled all logging as per Retrieving Error Messages - Omeka Classic User Manual, both debug.exceptions = true and log.errors = true .
I re-ran the import again today, no errors were logged in either of /home/norwegi1/public_html/catalog/application/logs/errors.log or /home/norwegi1/public_html/catalog/error_log