While testing version 4.1 and I’ve found an issue within the Admin interface for a Site → Resources → Item Sets.
I cannot reorder the list of Item Sets by dragging and dropping. The ‘drag’ cursor appears when I hover over the horizontal three bar icon but the Item Set refuses to move.
Thanks for your report; I see the same issue.
I have a prospective fix. If you’d like to try it now, you can make a one-line edit to one file, application/asset/js/site-resources.js:
Replace this line,
new Sortable(document.getElementById('site-item-sets'), {
with this one:
new Sortable(document.querySelector('#site-item-sets .resource-rows'), {
After making the change, you’ll probably have to clear cache or hard-refresh in your browser to see the change.
Thanks for the quick reply.
I’ve tried your proposed fix and it works - I have managed to amend the Item Set ordering.
OK, thanks for letting us know how it went for you.
This will be included in a 4.1.1 bugfix version that will probably be out relatively soon, though I can’t say exactly when.
Version 4.1.1, including this sorting bugfix, is now released.
June 21, 2024, 4:57pm
Just out of curiosity, what is the benefit (or the effect) of changing the order in which item sets are listed as part of a site’s resources?
My own main use case here is the list of Item Sets at the URL
This lists all of the item sets available in the site - the order is that set on the Admin side.
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