Omeka 4.1 Cannot reorder Item Sets

While testing version 4.1 and I’ve found an issue within the Admin interface for a Site → Resources → Item Sets.

I cannot reorder the list of Item Sets by dragging and dropping. The ‘drag’ cursor appears when I hover over the horizontal three bar icon but the Item Set refuses to move.

Thanks for your report; I see the same issue.

I have a prospective fix. If you’d like to try it now, you can make a one-line edit to one file, application/asset/js/site-resources.js:

Replace this line,

new Sortable(document.getElementById('site-item-sets'), {

with this one:

new Sortable(document.querySelector('#site-item-sets .resource-rows'), {

After making the change, you’ll probably have to clear cache or hard-refresh in your browser to see the change.

Thanks for the quick reply.

I’ve tried your proposed fix and it works - I have managed to amend the Item Set ordering.

OK, thanks for letting us know how it went for you.

This will be included in a 4.1.1 bugfix version that will probably be out relatively soon, though I can’t say exactly when.

Version 4.1.1, including this sorting bugfix, is now released.

Just out of curiosity, what is the benefit (or the effect) of changing the order in which item sets are listed as part of a site’s resources?

My own main use case here is the list of Item Sets at the URL


This lists all of the item sets available in the site - the order is that set on the Admin side.

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