OAI-PMH Pagination/Resumption Token

I’ve been using OAI-PMH plugin to harvest small collections with fewer than 100 items, which has been really great. However, I’m working on my first collection with more than 100 items and am wondering how pagination works. I harvested the first 100 items from the repo below, but am unsure how to get the remaining items.


I tried manually setting the resumption token parameter, like so (resuming at 100 and stopping at 110), but that didn’t work:


Here’s my status log for the initial harvest (disregard the first import/delete at 2017-04-25 13:47:43):

ID	43
Set Spec	publication:crohc999
Set Name	Project Team
Metadata Prefix	oai_dc
Base URL	http://engagedscholarship.csuohio.edu/do/oai/?verb=ListRecords&metadataPrefix=qualified-dublin-core&set=publication:crohc999
Status	Completed
Initiated	2017-04-25 18:52:58
Completed	2017-04-25 18:53:12
Status Messages	

All items created for this harvest were deleted on 2017-04-25 13:47:43

Notice: Received resumption token: 3016999/oai_dc/100// (2017-04-25 18:53:11)

Notice: badArgument: The request includes illegal arguments, is missing required arguments, includes a repeated argument, or values for arguments have an illegal syntax. (2017-04-25 18:53:12)

Notice: No records were found. (2017-04-25 18:53:12)

Notice: Did not receive a resumption token. (2017-04-25 18:53:12)

The harvester doesn’t expect you to be putting parts of the OAI request into the URL you give it. The base URL for this repository should just be “http://engagedscholarship.csuohio.edu/do/oai/

Most repositories would have given you an error well before you got to this stage.

Ah, not sure when or why I started doing it that way, but if there was ever a reason, it no longer applies (I’d had some issues troubleshooting the source repo in the past). That worked just fine, thanks!