OAI-PMH error: Undefined array key resumptionToken

I’m getting an import error when harvesting the following set using OAI-PMH. Oddly, the 10 items do import, but without the option to re-harvest in the future.

Set Spec 	publication:crohc701
Set Name 	LGBTQ+ Cleveland
Metadata Prefix 	oai_dc
Base URL 	https://engagedscholarship.csuohio.edu/do/oai/
Status 	Error
Initiated 	2023-09-18 17:10:16
Completed 	[not completed]
Status Messages 	Error: Undefined array key "resumptionToken" (2023-09-18 17:10:18)

Here’s a direct link to the XML output: https://engagedscholarship.csuohio.edu/do/oai/?verb=ListRecords&metadataPrefix=oai_dc&set=publication:crohc701

Is this an issue with the host repository or is there something I can do to fix it on my end? Thanks!

I think this is a spurious error that just happens when the set being harvested is small enough that it can fit in a single request. Since that’s pretty rare it doesn’t happen too often.

The fact that the error is coming up is a problem for us to fix on the plugin side.

Ah, ok, thanks @jflatnes

I made a quick update for the harvester that should fix this.

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