Newest version of CSSEditor module?

The Modules page of my admin interface says there is a newer version of CSSEditor, but the download page shows version 1.3.1, which I have downloaded and installed. Is there a newer version somewhere else? Or is this an erroneous message?

It’s been like that for a while. Same goes for the Mapping module.

I believe this is a known bug in a different module that alters the version checking code and leads to these erroneous messages about new versions that don’t exist.

What modules do you have installed?

Modules I haves installed are

Advanced Search version 3.4.14

CSSEditor version 1.3.1

Custom Vocab version 2.0.2

File Sideload version 1.7.1

Numeric Data Types version 1.11.3

Reference version 3.4.46

Try something quick: if you disable the modules other than CSSEditor, does the message go away?

I deactivated all modules. Then I activated CSSEditor and I did not see the Newer Version message.

I activated other modules one by one. When I activate Advanced Search the message appears, and when I deactivate it, the message disappears. When I activate Reference the message appears, and when I deactivate it, the message disappears. Activating any other module does not cause the message to appear.

Okay. So yes, that sounds like the same thing. Those modules both contain this code that modifies the way the version check works, so having either active is what’s causing the problem for you.

Those are both not Omeka Team modules so I can’t offer direct support for them. I believe the author had a fix for this problem, but it may not have made its way to every one of his modules yet.