I’ve been in touch with Doug Boyd and he’s advised us that the Omeka team has taken over the OHMS suite. He also indicated that there were plans to provide support for OHMS across the whole Omeka spectrum. Would one of the Omeka developers responsible for this work be able to reach out to us? We’re working with someone who wants to implement OHMS as part of Omeka S. We were hoping to be able to access beta versions of the OHMS for Omeka S modules. Please feel free to reply here or contact me at dean@agilehumanities.ca.
The OHMS for Omeka S suite will be released by the end of the month, so if you can wait a bit you can have the whole thing.
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Thank you for this news. Can you point to the repos? Is the release still planed for next week?
The repositories for this are:
- GitHub - omeka-s-modules/OhmsEmbed: Omeka S embedding for Oral History Metadata Synchronizer transcripts (the Omeka S module for embedding OHMS files)
- GitHub - omeka/ohms.js (a client-side viewer for OHMS files, used by the module)
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