Navigating to default site in admin

When doing anything related to Sites in the admin dashboard, I must always click “Sites” on the left sidebar and then click the site name in the list on the right, which opens the default site info page then triggers the site’s menu on the left, to which one then must go back for any site-related work.

It would be much easier if one has selected a default site in the global admin settings that it could open by default when one clicks on Sites. Or if the list of installed sites could be on the left sidebar as a drop-down, rather than having to click through another page every time one does anything with a site.

While I understand this may not work for cases where people have very many sites, as a new Omeka S user, I am finding this one of the most repetitive actions in using the admin dashboard when moving between working on items and sets on the one hand, and sites on the other hand.

Hello shekhar

Actually, from the admin main page, you should see a list of sites. From there just click the pencil icon and you will have one click saved.

One doesn’t go to the main admin page much for navigation while working in the admin dashboard, and this would be more repetitive.

It would much easier to have the list of sites below “Sites” in the sidebar with an edit and view site link always present next to the site name. Currently one must always click “Sites” and click through on the page to get the site drop-down settings or to get to the front-end.

More clicks back to /admin doesn’t solve this. As a recent migrant from Omeka Classic where we had one site perhaps I am used the old country!

Currently, the simplest way is to open two tabs.

I do wish the navigation for Sites in Omeka S was a bit more intuitive for managing and working on Sites. The /admin/site page makes sense if one has tens or more sites, but is otherwise tedious to click through each time one is working on a site.

In my current use case where we have only a single site, is would be easier to have its options open in the sidebar at all times. Even with several sites, a link to open the site’s submenus somewhere else (such as the top navigation of the admin dashboard) would be nice. I understand that this would pose issues for those with many sites, but this could perhaps be an option in the admin settings (alongside default site).

This is not a complaint but just to discuss improvements in navigation and site management in the dashboard. Keeping many tabs open is less than ideal as one must frequently refresh when switching between admin or site sides. :slight_smile:

So you can post an issue on github, so it will be simpler to track such an improvement.

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