Moving originals images offline

We are having a problem with our archive due to constant need for more space (harddisk capacity). On desktop level, where standard HD sizes are around 1 Tb nowadays, this might sound funny but service providers are charging comparable quite much per Gb.

So, this can be solved quite easily with cash, paying more for ISP, but we have been thinking to store originals (after uploaded into Omeka) offline.

The question is: after uploading original image files to Omeka (and creating smaller versions out of it), are those files needes anymore? (Ofcourse, if willing to view original image, them are needed.)

Our idea is to FTP them e.g. once a month to offline storage and then remove them. Using any cloud storage services as HD or extension of the space does not work because of GDPR.

It pretty much depends what your site/theme are doing. By default (at least in themes that don’t use the “slider/gallery” viewer on item pages), the originals don’t get embedded anywhere, and they’re just linked to from clicking the embedded images (which are the generated thumbnails). You could live with the original links going nowhere or change the theme so they’re not there. Of course things like Derivative Images and other plugins that might go back to look at the original image won’t work if the original isn’t there, but that sort of goes without saying.

Thanks, that’s what we thought, gonna test it now before moving all the pics offline.