Looking for a cataloging solution

I’m currently working on cataloging nearly 100 years of documents and records for a sporting group.
At the moment, the “catalogue” is in Excel.
I can’t help thinking that something like Omeka is a more suitable solution.
Assuming I can import the existing data from Excel (as a CSV) into Omeka:

  • Is there a list of fields for Items/Categories/Collections etc?
  • Can I add my own fields for an Item (for example)?
    Thank you (but I’m sure I’ll have more questions)!

Omeka certainly might be a good way to go. The documentation for Omeka Classic details the core item fields (Dublin Core)and the ways that Item Types can be customized. Collections also have Dublin Core description.

You can try Omeka Classic out by signing up for a free Omeka.net account.

Many thanks!
I’ll experiment with a test account.
thank you again.