I thought I would re-raise the recurring question about whether or not Omeka Classic has plans to accommodate objects in multiple collections. The ability to have an Item in Multiple Item sets is the primary reason that I switched to Omeka S, but the extra complexity of Omeka S is daunting. If there was a way to have Classic Items in more than one collection, it would be much more suitable for my project and my skill level.
Hello. I just wanted to bump this up again in case anyone has any response or suggestions. I continue to use Omeka S, but I often return to this question of whether or not I’m better suited to Omeka Classic on the technical level. Unfortunately, the single collection basis of Omeka Classic is a bit of a nonstarter for the data architecture that I imagine, and it is the primary constraint that I cannot imagine a way to work around in Classic. Thank you.
There are no plans to allow Items in Omeka Classic to reside in more than one Collection.