Item Sets Do Not Appear in Basic Search

Hello all!

On our Omeka S site, we have separate browse tabs for items and item sets, but we’d love for users to be able to search for both at the same time! Unfortunately, the global “basic search” function only returns results for pages and items, which is confusing as the documentation for searching states that the basic search should return all items, item sets, media, and pages.

To make things weirder, the item pool for the site doesn’t seem to contain any item sets despite all item sets having been added under the “Item Sets” tab on the “Resources” page. The item sets do however appear on the site and when browsing through item sets. I’ve poured through the global and site settings multiple times and have yet to find anything that would explain this problem!

I’d love to hear if anyone else has had problems with this, or if someone can shed some light on what might possibly be causing this! Thank you very much!

I updated the language as I realized I was using some terms specific to our materials that don’t necessarily mean anything outside of the context of our project! Also please let me know if there’s any other information I should be including, or anything that seems off in what I’ve typed!