Issues with Timeline Module in Omeka S


I’ve made a timeline using Knightlab for a research project, and I want to feature it on my OmekaS site. I downloaded the Timeline Module, created by Daniel Berthereau, but I don’t understand how the block controls work in Omeka S. I’ve fiddled with them a bunch, but on the site I only receive “Timeline Configuration has no events”. In my research online, I’ve seen this can be fixed by directly inputing source code into an html block, but I am not so computer code savvy to be able to figure that out.

Could someone point me in the right direction to resolve this issue?

Hi there!

If you want to use your Knightlab timeline, you can get and embed code from there and just add a oEmbed block to your page and paste it.

Daniel Berthereau’s Timeline Module makes it easy to implement these resources in Omeka S, but we have made our own way to try mixing both options with our page builder:

Normally, we create item sets specifically for each timeline we want to create. It also allows selecting the metadata responsible for filtering the timeline by dates in the selected collection or collections.

For the timeline to be visible, both the items and the item sets must be associated (as resources/assets) with the site to which the page where we are going to display it belongs!

Hope it works for you!


Thank you so much for answering my question. I am fairly new to Omeka S and other aspects of website building.

Forgive me if the my following question seems simple, but I still am not able to get the oEmbed block to display properly.

This is the embed code I pulled from my google sheet from Knightlab:

It doesn’t seem to register in the oEmbed block as a url? Do you know why that might be?

Thank you for your time and attention.

Maybe you will likely have to turn off HTML filtering in your security settings:

I will also try to investigate it as well, in case there is another way to solve it.

That embed code should come from the TimelineJS interface — probably under the sharing settings.

Hello, I turned off HTML purifier, but it didn’t seem to resolve my issue. Thank you for looking into how to solve this.


I was able to locate an embed code for my timeline, but when I try to input it into a oembed block and save the page it registers as “URL not allowed”.

This is the embed code provided by Timeline JS:

Did you try that with the HTML block rather than the Oembed?

With the HTML WYSWIG, there is a option for pasting in code which is labeled “Source” and is the first button on the interface. If you paste the embed code into that Source input, you should be able to add the timeline to the page.


Apologies for the late reply. Within the html block, I was able to find the “Source” option for pasting code, but once I save and reload the website it only comes up as text.

I appreciate everyone’s efforts to help me resolve this issue.

I had the same error message. But it was because my items visibility where set to private. Once I changed it to “Public”, it worked. Do yo have the same configuration?