Issues using Solr

Hi everyone :),

I really hope someone can help me with this issue.
I can’t find a way to make Solr work with our Omeka S.

Solr admin interface is working, indexing seems to function even though fields from Omeka S redirecting to a ValueSuggest URL (Geonames, VIAF…), are still invisible in query Solr (I’m using “_ss” as recommanded). The only fields I can search for are the ones with text and numbers but not URLS (titles, dates…).

For example from these fields defined in Omeka interface, only dcterms:title and media/cidoc:P82_at_some_time_within are showing, plus some values from cidoc:P14_carried_out_by not containing URLS (because these people are not yet referenced in VIAF).

Do someone know why URLS from ValueSuggest’s autocompletion do not appear in Query section of Solr Interface ?

Also, the search bar in our Omeka S is not working at all. Querying “Aubervilliers” works in Solr Interface, but not in Omeka S search bar from the research page.

Is there something to do in particular to make this search page work ?

Thank you in advance for your help,
