Is the module SiteSlugAsSubdomain still maintained?

Hello everyone,

I recently installed the module SiteSlugAsSubdomain on Omeka S, but I cannot validate the hostname. I keep getting a CSRF: Value is required and cannot be empty error.

The hostname is correctly configured and points to the server where Omeka S is installed.

It looks like SiteSlugAsSubdomain has not been updated for a long time, but the module is still listed in the Omeka S module list. The module documentation doesn’t seem to mention this or any known issues.

I’d appreciate it if anyone knows what the issue is and can help me with this.

Just a note on the Omeka module and plugin directory process… The Omeka Team doesn’t have a process for checking if third-party modules are functional. (We’ve got our hands full maintaining the core and our own add-ons.) Thus, if add-on developers are no longer maintaining their work it would be great if they asked us to remove them from the list. I’m not at all suggesting that this is the case with this modules, but the best way to make direct contact with the developer is through the github repository for the add-on with an issue.

I’m experiencing the same issue. I’ll try to contact the developers as well. Please let the forum know if you find a resolution!