Internationalization of Simple Pages

Hello everyone,

Sorry if the question sounds stupid, I am studying the tutorial about internationalization, but I didn’t manage to make an internationalized SimplePage yet, hope someone can guide me along the way!

What I understood so far from the process,

  1. I can give a page in php, with the text adapted with the gettext function, to PoEdit so that it can find the strings to be translated.
  2. In PoEdit I can generate a general catalogue of strings .pot file, and from it a file .po for each language where I can translate the strings.
  3. In another page in php I can set the locale by default, and attribute the files I created as domain.
  4. To navigate between locales, I can pass it as a variable of session.

I have several questions to that:

  1. Creating a Simple Page in the Admin panel, I saw that php is not supported and should be replaced by shortcodes. What is the method to modify this page than? Where is that page in php created on the server? Is it the way to go to go directly to the page to insert php inside or shall I write a plugin?
  2. Where should the translation files be, in the languages part of SimplePages plugin or higher in the hierarchy?
  3. Where can I set the language settings like the locale by default in Omeka?
  4. What is the way to enable the user to manipulate the variable of session to go from one language to another?

Even the start of an answer is welcome!

Hello, Hajoki.

I believe the documentation explains how to proceed for the core and plugin strings in Omeka, not for whatever you create with those plugins (as, in your case, with Simple Pages).
You may want to take a look at the following pages to see whether they can help you: