Importing Darwin Core


I’ve attempted to import Darwin Core into Omeka S several times with no luck. Has anyone managed to import this vocabulary successfully? I get error messages each time that ask whether the namespace URI is correct. I’ve been using I’ve also tried both RDF and TTL files.

Any help is greatly appreciated.


The provided files are unusually formatted for an RDF vocabulary. Almost universally, vocabulary files define properties and classes using rdf:Property and rdfs:Class. Darwin Core has no such definitions. Instead, it appears to use a non-standard dcterms:isPartOf and dcterms:hasPart syntax that I haven’t seen before. It certainly cannot be imported into Omeka as-is.

In the absence of a conventional vocabulary file (I cannot find one), you’ll need to convert the term list using an understandable format. I recommend using one of the Notation3 formats, which is more-or-less human readable and writable. Several of our modules have examples of such a file, like here and here.

Thank you, Jim. This is very helpful and I appreciate it!

After some attempts, I successfully imported the vocabulary using the following:

Label: Darwin Core
Namespace URI:
Prefix: dwc
Vocabulary URL:

If it doesn’t work, keep trying. The service has been spotty.


This worked! Many thanks, Jim!

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