Import both Identifier for an Item and a Item Set


I am using CSV Import and manage to import both Items, Item Sets and Media. And I can add some Items on a specifik Item Set.

But, now I have first imported a lot of Item Sets (340) and each Set has like 1-2 items. It is a lot of work to create a csv file for each Item Set and import 1-2 items.

I have a csv file with both identifier for the Item and the Item Set. But is it possible to add “Item X should Append to Item Set Y” like rows in a CSV and import them?


Best Regards

Hi, I think you want to import a bunch of items and have each land in its particular item set(s). See here on how to map a column in your CSV to the intended item set:

Item-specific data has a dropdown to set Item set by selected property. If you have a column identifying an Item set to which you want to add each item (rather than putting all of the imported items into the same Item sets on the “Basic Settings” tab), you can set how it maps using this dropdown. You can either use the Item set’s internal ID, or any one of its properties (such as title).

dropdown as described

Note that you can append this information (add existing items 1-5 to item set 1, 6-10 to item sets 1 and 2, etc.) to existing items:

Using titles or another unique value usually works quite well for me, rather than manually looking up and verifying each item set internal ID.

Hi Allana!

So many thank you for the answer! I am quite close I think but having like "
“LAP0247” (dcterms:identifier) is not a valid item set."

I made a screen recording. I missing something!



Item Set for a person

Item Set for an Organization

Thanks for the screencast, that’s very useful.

Because you’re only adding one piece of information (“take item with identifier N, add it to item set with identifier Y”), you only need to map one column in your data. The “Append” options is where you specify the first part (“take item N”).

Double-check this part for me: It looks like you’re matching up your “Object ID” column (“1”) to the dcterms:identifier value - is that what you meant to do, or should you be selecting the “IDno” column (“T1”)? Are the values in dcterms:identifier on your items formatted as the “T1” values, or the “1” values?

Once you have that right, you only need to map the item set ID column (“add it to item set Y”). It looks you have that part right already.

Then let’s double-check that the item sets you’re looking for actually have those “LAP1234” values in their dcterms:identifier fields. Go to your Item Sets page and look at one of the item sets in question. It should show the identifier value like this:

Thank you for this! It helps to know you are not using dcterms:identifier for all your item sets, but foaf:accountName in some cases.

CSV Import will definitely have issues looking in two fields for a given value. You can run the same spreadsheet twice, once matching the “LAP1234” values to identifier and once to accountName (I think this will cause lots of “error” messages on the bad rows but will still work on all the valid rows), or you can create two spreadsheets, once for each.

The third option is to convert all your accountName values on your item sets to identifier values, which might not be a bad idea…


Excellent, if I understand you correctly:
“Because you’re only adding one piece of information (“take item with identifier N, add it to item set with identifier Y”), you only need to map one column in your data. The “Append” options is where you specify the first part (“take item N”).”

  • This mean that I only map the Item Set identifier in the “Map to Omeka” tab?
  • And witch Item is added to what Item Set is controlled by the selected Identifier under "Advanced Setting " tab?

Yes, I selected wrong column in the beginning of the film! :slight_smile:

" Are the values in dcterms:identifier on your items formatted as the “T1” values, or the “1” values?"
They are formated as T1.

“The third option is to convert all your accountName values on your item sets to identifier values, which might not be a bad idea…”
Yes, Do you mean that I use bulk edit to overwrite the accounName with the internal Omeka ID?

I will test everything tomorrow - now it is bedtime I Sweden! :slightly_smiling_face:

Super thanks - wonderful!

I send a response and close it tomorrow.

Again - thank you.


Worked perfect! Thanks! //Staffan

How do I Close this case? Automatic after 8 days?

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