Images access right on server

Dear all,

I’ve recently made a migration from an omeka 2.1.1 to 2.5.
Everything works fine except when I upload image files, they arrive on the server with rights 600 so I can’t read them through the interface…
Digged in these forum and didn’t find helping data. Could anyone help on this ?

Thanks a lot !

Did you try to change rights of the folder to 755? Or to set it in the config of your server?

The folder is already on 755 and the server is still the same than it was for the 2.1.1 version…

I don’t see. Nothing changed on this point, and this doesn’t seem to be Omeka related. Did you try to disable your plugins?

Hmm nope I didn’t, I’ll try that tomorrow morning and give news…
Thanks anyway for thinking about my problem !

Well, I did disable all the plugins, nothing changed :frowning:
I’ve seen this topic : Permissions on file uploads
But, I don’t know how to change the mask in the bootstrap file ?

I added this code to the bootstrap.php file just before // Define directory path constants.

// set umask for file upload permissions

Julie, you’ve just saved my life ! :stuck_out_tongue:
Thanks a lot !
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