Icons missing/changed

That’s great news. Just to be sure-I should direct my systems administrator to download the themes again from here Omeka S - Themes ?

Yes, that’s a good way to do it.

Wonderful. Thanks so much for all of your help and for the so many quick responses.

Hi John and Jim, reinstalling the themes fixed the errors and brought our access back to the front end of the sites but the icons are still not showing up correctly on the admin side. My system administrator ran the error report again and debugging but nothing has come up. I checked with my students and the icons on their sites look like mine too. I’ve tried a couple of browsers and the hard refresh Jim recommended last week again but no luck.

Has you systems administrator looked into the possible reason I mention above? I’m at a loss as to why your icons are broken when no one else has reported the problem.

I’ll see if they can look into the reason you gave above. Thanks!

Specifically the solution (if that’s the problem) would be adding these lines either to the global Apache configuration or to the Omeka S .htaccess file:

AddType application/vnd.ms-fontobject eot
AddType font/ttf ttf
AddType font/woff woff
AddType font/woff2 woff2
AddType image/svg+xml svg

My sys admin added the mime settings to both the apache server and the .htaccess file and the icons are still not appearing correctly.


I checked into this again and I think I’ve found the problem: there’s something wrong with the special characters used in your copy of Omeka S’s CSS stylesheets that specify which icon should be used. I’m not sure exactly how this would have happened, if you simply have bad copies of these CSS files or some Apache or server configuration that’s messing with those characters on the fly, but as they’re being served the content is wrong.

Thanks! What is the best way to fix this?

Also-I don’t know if this is a related problem but there is not an Item option when editing pages anymore and no items appear using the Asset block add either.

I sent your comment to my sys admin and he knew what you were talking about so I don’t think you need to clarify about the CSS stylesheets right now.

Thanks for all your help-it appears that the update changed Item to Media Embed. I’ve got it figured out now and everything is working.

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