I looking for a solution to automate a install with all the latest modules

I looking for a solution to automate a install with all the latest modules.
Is there some API or manifest of all the modules published by the Omeka Team?

Currently i try to download the release zip from github but downloads via the Github API results in a different folder structure in the archive file >

curl -L -H “X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28” https://api.github.com/repos/omeka-s-modules/CustomVocab/releases/latest | jq .zipball_url

curl https://api.github.com/repos/omeka-s-modules/CustomVocab/zipball/v2.0.2D
The zip contains a parent folder with the module name and a part of an hash

The omeka.org addons repositories publish JSON data about the modules (and the same for themes, and plugins and themes for classic).

The URL for modules is https://omeka.org/add-ons/json/s_module.json. For each one it lists the most recent version, and for each version there’s a URL to the “correct” zip file for the module.

Note, this includes all modules published by anyone on the omeka.org directory, not just the ones published by the Omeka team.

Thats a great help, thanks