I’ve been trying to turn this sentence that I have on one of my webpages into a functioning hyperlink for three days now and it has not been working. Every time I highlight the sentence and input the URL it seems to work, then I hit “save changes” and the text is right back to being just a normal sentence. Even when I check the actual website from the public’s view, the text looks normal and doesn’t lead to the PDF I need it to lead to. Any help would be tremendously appreciated!
Hi @CRH ,
In your HTML filtering under your Settings → Security do you still have the a element and the a.href attribute allowed?
Hello! I’m so sorry, but I’m not sure how to even access Security. When I click the settings icon in my top right navigation bar, General, Search, Element Sets, Item Type Elements, and API pop up as options, but security does not. I’ve tried searching to no avail.
@CRH , are you hosted on omeka.net? If so, you will probably need to contact their support directly.
Yes, I am. I have contacted them. Thank you so much for your help!