I tried searching the forum as well as more generally online for an answer to this question but have yet to come up with any suggestions. We have Google Analytics set up to collect data from Omeka Classic. We can view each individual page just fine. For example, the landing page of a collection with some basic info about it. Clicking on “Browse Collection” leads to the page to browse the items within the collection. We can also view the analytics for individual items, e.g. views, active users, etc.
My question is, Is there a simple way to create a report within Google Analytics to view only the items in a collection? I want to see the item with the most views in two collections. One collection has only 12 items; it is simple enough to set up the filters to display the analytics for those 12 items. The other collection, however, has over 900 items! I couldn’t find any alternatives to filtering each item manually within Google Analytics.
Thank you! Any help or suggestions would be appreciated!
Thank you for replying. I’m interested in both! It would be nice if there is a way to do this with data from last year. But if there isn’t, I’d also like to know how others have set it up for the future. The issue being that the items in the collection get updated, so a manual selection within Google Analytics wouldn’t be ideal.
To look at it retroactively, I would probably run a SQL query in the database to get a list of items in the collections and their IDs. Then do an export of your Google Analytics filtered to page views where the ID is in the URL.
The next step would be to do a VLookup from the Omeka SQL Export to the GA Export to look up the page view count for only the items in those collections.
For future reports, I would probably edit my theme to pass the collection to the GA page view event so you can use it to filter going forward.
Thanks so much for this, Jon! I don’t have the know-how to do this yet, but this is way more helpful than me spinning my wheels and scouring the web. Much appreciated!