How to get item set's title from items REST API resource?

I’m trying to build a list of items from the REST API of an Omeka S installation. Everything is working fine with properties (resource and literal types) but I have a problem with item sets.
When an item is linked to an item set, the API only returns its @id and o:id. I wish I can get the display_title of every item sets linked to an item in only one call to the API, as it’s possible with a value of resource type.

This request:


"o:item_set": [
		"@id": "xxx/api/item_sets/141",
		"o:id": 141

and I wish it can return something like that:

"o:item_set": [
		"@id": "xxx/api/item_sets/141",
		"o:id": 141,
		"display_title": "the title of this item set"

How can I do that?

To do that, you need to add it via an event in a specific module.

            [$this, 'filterJsonLd']

Then, in filterJsonLd, you add what you want.
I build a special module for a similar project : ApiInfo . It’s still in dev, but allows to get many data not available in standard api via /api/infos.

Thank you for your answer. I’ll take a close look at the ApiInfo module. It looks very promising, especially for translation infos and combined with the Reference module.