Guest Module API not working

I am using the Guest module on Omeka to make the guest users register and login to the site, but whenever i try to access /guest/register or /guest/login it redirects to the main site

Which module do you use ? There are Guest and GuestApi. You generally don’t need GuestApi, except if you have an external app or a specific front end (see And as you can see in this example, it works.

I do have a specific frontend and i do need the /api/register endpoint
whenever I try to access it though i just get this returned

“status”: “error”,
“message”: “Email is required.”,
“code”: 400

even when i post the data in the query string and even as a form, it returns an html form as well.
It’s strange

In the post, these data are needed : site (id or slug), email. password and username are optional.

so it took in the email and username in the post request and actually created a new guest user.
But the password doesn’t seem to be computed, even when its found in the request body as “password”.

Hey Daniel,

I tried using the key_identity and key_credential in the /api/users/me? url, but it did not return user information it says Omeka S encountered an error , even though I logged in an account using the credentials and it worked status: "success", and returned a key_identity variable consistent with the api token of the user.

is there a different method for returning the user data so it can be displayed on the webpage?

Also, while working on verifying the users email, I clicked the link that is sent to the guest to verify the email for the user and it redirected me to the site and said that the user is now verified, but when I checked my users on omeka it still showed me that the user is not active.

Do you think it is a site issue or a credential issue?

It seems to be a module issue. I’m currently using this module for a project i should finish before Christmas. So if you don’t fix it, i’ll do it probably soon.